Design Tokens



The main colours used are primary, secondary & tertiary colours, aligned with the Corporate Identity of the company. The rest of the colours are generated based on these three main colours.

Each of these colours has been given classes so that it may be implemented appropriately throughout the website.
Primary Colours Shades:
Primary (#39AB52)
Hover (#2C853F)
Alt (#E0F4E4)
Alt Hover (#BBE7C3)
Secondary Colours Shades:
Primary (#AED058)
Hover (#98BE35)
Alt (#EFF6DF)
Alt Hover (#DBEAB7)
Tertiary Colours Shades:
Tertiery (#3959AC)
Hover (#263D74)
Alt (#CAD3E9)
Alt Hover (#A4B3D9)
Background Colours Shades:
Background (#F8FAF9)
Background Alt (#F1F7F3)
Typography Colours
Dark (#0B2210)
Paragraph (#4C5B4F)
Border (#4C5B4F)
Placeholder (#EAF9ED)
Alt Typography Colours for Dark Backgrounds
Light (#F9FAF9)
Paragpraph Alt (#D8F2DE)
Border Alt (#D8F2DE)
Placeholder Alt (#65CC7C)
Generic Colours Shades:
Black (#0D110E)
White (#F9FAF9)
Tertiery (#3959AC)
Alert Colours
Success (#2C854A)
Warning (#F59E0B)
Error (#AC3939)
Extra User Colours
Extra 1 (#FED766)
Extra 2 (#FE8A71)
Extra 3 (#0E9AA7)
Extra 4 (#536878)
RGBA-based Utility Colours with Opacity
Primary rgba
(57, 171, 82)
Secondary rgba
(174, 208, 88)
Tertiary rgba
(57, 89, 172)
Dark rgba
(11, 34, 16)
Paragraph rgba
(76, 91, 79)
Black rgba
(13, 17, 14)
Success rgba
(44, 133, 74)
Warning rgba
(245, 158, 11)
Error rgba
(172, 57, 57)
Extra1 rgba
(254, 215, 102)
Extra2 rgba
(254, 138, 113)
Extra3 rgba
(14, 154, 167)
Extra4 rgba
(83, 104, 120)



Spacings here refers to the bottom margins that separates vertical elements.

For example, mb-2 are used to separate a figure and the text caption. Whereaas mb-20 can be used to separate a heading and the text body. This will create consistent design throughout the website.



The font combination used for this website are:

1. Halant (Display) & Inter (Text)
2. Chivo (Display) & Overpass (Text)
3. Overpass (Display) & Neogrotesk-Pro (Text)
4. BwModelica (Display) & Neogrotesk-Pro (Text)

H1 - Font: Halant.

H2 - This is a heading.

H3 - This is a heading.

H4 - This is a heading.

H5 - This is a heading.

H6 - This is a heading.

2XL - Font: Inter.
XL - This is a block of text. 
LG - This is a block of text. 
SM - This is a block of text. 

H1 - Font: Chivo.

H2 - This is a heading.

H3 - This is a heading.

H4 - This is a heading.

H5 - This is a heading.

H6 - This is a heading.

2XL - Font: Overpass.
XL - This is a block of text. 
LG - This is a block of text. 
SM - This is a block of text. 

H1 - Font: Overpass.

H2 - This is a heading.

H3 - This is a heading.

H4 - This is a heading.

H5 - This is a heading.

H6 - This is a heading.

2XL - Font: Neogrotesk-Pro
XL - This is a block of text. 
LG - This is a block of text. 
SM - This is a block of text. 

H1 - Font: BwModelica

H2 - This is a heading.

H3 - This is a heading.

H4 - This is a heading.

H5 - This is a heading.

H6 - This is a heading.

2XL - Font: Neogrotesk-Pro
XL - This is a block of text. 
LG - This is a block of text. 
SM - This is a block of text. 


Box Shadow



Border Radius




Service 1
Describing your product, service, or whatever you provide the public with is vitally important, so your copy should include full details. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ameteur etur ser.
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Service 2
Describing your product, service, or whatever you provide the public with is vitally important, so your copy should include full details. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ameteur etur ser.
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Call to actions are an important element of a webpage. We can estimate the visitors' engagement on a website by placing several different call to actions.

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